Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thing 5 - Urban Planet

I know you told us not to do several blogs in one night, but I've been working at the "things" over the last two weeks and, 2) I now have a student teacher so I'm not swamped with paperwork every night and have time to write the blogs!!

Urban Planet is something that I've wanted to do something with for a couple of years. I set up the site but not until this year have I actually tried making is usable for students. So far I have put resources for students to use (only in Sp V,VI so far) and the culture points documents along with the course descriptions. My intent is to have something for the kids to use as a resource and also to have their parents have access to it. Keeping it current is the big question at this point; having a student teacher will help for a few months, so I'll take advantage of the time to upload other documents, video, etc. Urban Planet has great possibilities for teachers, just as email and online grading has opened communication between parents/students and teachers.

1 comment:

lyoder said...

I think you will find the time spent setting up a classroom website well worth your while- it can be a fabulous support for your teaching!
